15 Apr Bottled Water Helps Chicago Employees Stay Hydrated
Did bottled water ever play a part in any of your new year’s resolutions? Maybe one of your goals was to drink more water everyday, and bottled water was a tool to help you meet that goal. It’s been four months since the start of 2019, and the month of April is a great time to reassess your progress and consider the next move before warmer weather arrives.
Most Chicago employees do not consume enough water on a daily basis. Unfortunately, that often means that they are not as hydrated as they could be. Staying properly hydrated means that more water is going into the body than the amount of water that is leaving. Dehydration is the opposite. If you’re thinking that just because your job is indoors, you don’t have to think about staying hydrated, you’d be wrong. Working in an air conditioned environment can cause moisture to evaporate from your skin and lungs faster than it would otherwise. Drinking enough water is important for all Chicago individuals.
Severe dehydration is dangerous and can cause life-threatening medical conditions, but most Chicago employees contend with a much milder form. However, it’s still important to remember that just because it’s milder, it doesn’t mean that there are no negative side effects. Dehydration can negatively influence the outcome of different parts of your day without you realizing it. For example, workplace productivity can be negatively impacted by dehydration because of a decrease in cognitive abilities, reduction in concentration and alertness, and slower reaction times, both mentally and physically.
An easy way to decrease dehydration during the workday is to drink more water. If you’re interested in learning more about the current science behind healthy hydration and how it’s connected to the bottled water industry, check out the IBWA’s podcast, H2O In The Know.
Even though bottled water has been the favorite packaged beverage (by volume) for the previous two years, when it comes to hydration, water is water. It doesn’t matter if it’s a glass of filtered water or bottled water from the break room vending machine. Not a fan of plain water? Try adding a slice of lemon or lime or enjoying your favorite brand of flavored sparkling water. Hungry too? There are also fruits and vegetables that will fill your stomach and help improve hydration because they contain higher amounts of water including watermelon, strawberries, peaches, cantaloupe, lettuce, celery, cucumber and tomatoes.
Help your Chicago employees stay hydrated by providing a variety of break room refreshments. Whether it’s by offering pantry service, a micro-market or vending machines in the break room, finding a healthy source of hydration just got easier. For more information about updating your break room choices, contact Fox Vending at (800) 694-2800. We are here to help you customize the best solution.